Election Integrity

We are now at a place where Election Integrity is the number one issue facing this country. Without Election Integrity citizens no longer have a say in things that matter to them and their families. Any proffering of choice is a mere illusion.

Today it can be said with a great level of certainty that citizens have no easy way to verify that their votes were tallied accurately, that they accrued to the candidate of their choice, and that any illegal votes in some other part of the system did not reduce the face value of their own cast vote. What makes this situation particularly egregious is the rampant meddling by election administrators, political operatives, third party entities, and foreign actors – all of whom seem to have a vested interest in preventing citizens from verifying the accuracy of their own votes. This will not stand. 

Elections belong to the people. Yet over the last many years election corruption has gradually been on the rise. The introduction of non-transparent voting machines and tabulators, and the illegal adoption of arbitrary and capricious election rules, many in direct violation of state and federal laws, as was evident in the 2020 elections, have all suddenly come to light, and this has led to ordinary citizens standing up and doing everything they can to re-impose their constitutional authority, and retake control of their own elections.

Author: mikecs

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